Monday, June 16, 2014

Dreams I've Had: Dying in Dreams

I've always heard that it is impossible to die in a dream. I'm not sure if that's entirely true. Personally, I've always been curious as to what would happen if I died. Not just from a religious standpoint, discovering which, if any, philosophy is correct regarding an afterlife and our existence in the universe. But also seeing how those around me carry on in my absence. Did my life have an impact on anyone else? How are they coping with my death?

I've had some near death experiences in my dreams, possibly triggered by those thoughts.

One memorable dream involved me driving down a deserted road at night, on my way home from somewhere. Leaping from the darkness, a buck would find itself on the road in front of me, with an unavoidable accident to follow.

My first clue that it was a dream:
Everyone knows that all deer-related accidents happen while driving in reverse.

In the wreckage of my car, I'd find myself impaled by the antlers of the deer. Though difficult to see, I can tell that the deer is still alive, and that I won't have much time until it wakes from being stunned, with the inevitability of it thrashing about trying to get free. I have my old flip phone, so I can still make a call, but given the circumstances, I'll probably only have enough time to make one call before my end. Also, given my condition, I don't imagine I can manage more than calling the first person on my contact list.

For the longest time, this would have gone down in history as the most awkward phone call ever received by the Andy's restaurant on 10th street.

"Can I get a bacon cheeseburger and an ambulance?"

Thankfully, I've made more friends since then.

I would always wake up before the deer did, or at least I can't remember anything happening after fumbling with the phone, so I'm not sure if I would have died in my dream. It certainly hasn't been my only brush with death in a dream. Or encounter with a deer, for that matter.

Helpful Hint: Never approach a northbound deer from the south.


  1. I have similar thoughts since I live alone in the wilds of Conetoe. If something happened to me while I was home how long would it take someone to notice that I'm missing and check on me. I know nobody that I know passes by my house unless they are coming to see me. That's my one big fear of living by myself!

    1. I feel the same way about living alone in town. If I'm in a car accident, sure, someone will notice right away. But if I fell down the stairs again and hurt myself really badly, I've figured it would take days before someone found me.
