Monday, September 8, 2014

No Update

My apologies for the lack of update. One could argue that after the serious nature of the last post, I needed time off to collect my thoughts. It wasn't an easy history to relive (and in fact, one person unfriended me as a result of it), but to be perfectly honest, none of it bothers me anymore. I've already lived that story, learned what lessons needed to be learned, and moved on. The only reason I felt compelled to share at all is because someone didn't appreciate me sharing stories from my history that might cast others in a negative light. I agree that slandering someone is wrong, but I don't see a problem in telling a story exactly how it happened. So, I opted to just go ahead and tell the entire tale in one sitting to get it over with, so that the people who were bothered by it could get it over with and we could all move on.

So, if I wasn't taking a mental sabbatical, why no update?

Quite simply, I was out of town visiting some friends, and that took precedence. 

Despite my insistence on not unpacking my bags, my vacation has come to an end, which means that updates will resume their normal schedule come Monday, September 15th.

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